Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 31 - Quincy to Truckee

74 miles, 5506 up

A pretty big day because we had quite a few miles to cover and a lot of climbing to do. We've ridden a couple others days with similar mileage, but not quite as much climbing.

Highway 89 has been pretty consistent - winding through trees, along rivers and across valleys. If anything, the terrain has a drier look as we wind our was south.

I've been trying to capture a photo each day that sort of represents where we are, but 89 sort of looks the same...

We stopped in Graeagle for a snack and Trudy met one of Charley and Roses relatives.

From Graeagle, we had a pretty long climb on our way to the Sierra Valley and Sierraville. The valley is flat and beautiful.

Well, I don't just stand there all the time!

We took a rest and refresh break in Sierraville, then headed up the last long climb to Truckee, where we're staying with our friend, Tammi, for a layover day.

Along the way, I stopped to take this photo of the Truckee River, which is barely moving.

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