Thursday, September 10, 2015

Random notions... Routines and daily stuff.

Trudy and I have been traveling together for 33 days now... And it's wonderful!

Mind you, it's not like we're sitting side by side much of the time - when we're riding, we are within sight of each other.
It's very rare that we can ride side by side because of traffic. Even when we're close together, communication is tough because of wind noise, traffic and so on. If the person in front talks ahead, the person behind can't hear. My bike is kinda quick to respond, so if I try to turn around a little to holler back, pretty soon I'm headed off in another direction, which isn't very desirable!

So, we stop fairly often. We're not in a big hurry, after all...

We both know what needs to be done when we set up or break down camp, so we just do what we need to do.

Grocery shopping is pretty simple because what we buy has to be small, not melty, not need refrigeration, not require cooking more than 5 minutes, no microwave, not bruise, crunch or rot...

It helps if boiling water is the cooking method.

We usually eat fresh fruit within a day.

We have to wait until the end of the day for cold beer and chips... See above.

Salad is a sought after treat... See above.

Laundry is a nightly chore. We each have two sets of cycling clothes and two sets of street clothes. Believe me, the cycling clothes we wear for a day need to be cleaned... So, we take them in the shower, to the creek, use the campground spigot, go to a laundromat or, if we're lucky enough to be staying with friends, we throw everything possible into the laundry! Yes, hanging laundry is always part of our campground scene - welcome to our neighborhood!

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