Sunday, September 13, 2015

Day 37 Lee Vining to Lee Vining

Last night, we were put in the "camper section," which turned out to be quite international - we talked a little with a French couple, who had visited many of our National Parks in the Southern California, Nevada and Utah areas over the past couple of weeks. Another large group came in, but we couldn't recognize their language. In the morning, some German visitors had arrived during the night, but soon packed up and left.

Today, we wandered around town and visited most of the stores, then went to the Mono Committee Center and learned about Mono Lake, how close it came to extinction and what happened to bring it back from the brink.
We bought a sandwich to bring back to the RV park for lunch. Then we walked over to the Mono Lake visitor center, where we learned more about the long term history of the lake, it's geological history, the natural environment, and listened to an informative "ranger talk" about our current water situation. His bottom line was that we have to become proactive in addressing water issues.

Right now, we're sitting under a porch roof near the showers, waiting for a late afternoon rain storm to let up. Our tent and bikes are all buttoned up, so we'll just have to wait to decide about making dinner or heading into town...

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